In today’s challenging economic climate, our clients demand advice that is efficient, effective and assists them in navigating the often complicated international regulatory requirements associated with developing a new medical treatment.  Our team advises pharma, biotech, and medical device companies, as well as clinical research organizations and research groups, on all aspects of how to evaluate health outcomes that are meaningful and equivalent across diverse cultures and diseases. 

Founder David Himmelberger

Linguistic validation and evaluation of health outcomes are our core business activities.  By working with us, you will receive the attention of experts who have been with us for many years.  We provide objective evidence that meets the needs of patients, the global healthcare community, regulators, and our clients.

Our teams are experienced, mature professionals that are sensitive to the concerns of patients in different cultures.  In addition to having trained linguistic professionals, a successful linguistic validation requires understanding of the medical issue, sensitivity to the problems and concerns of the patients, maintaining the respect of and long standing relationships with clinicians and study coordinators, plus the ability to work with the local affiliates of the client.  Only Health Outcomes Group and our global team can provide this.

We add value by providing realistic solutions to the challenges faced by our clients.  We anticipate problems before they occur.  Our Translation Guidelines save you time and money.  We improve the ability of patients to understand what is being evaluated which in turn improves the quality of the data.

We Are Different

Leadership in Outcomes Evaluation

Health Outcomes Group has been a leader in outcomes evaluation since 1987.  We respect individual differences and understand the importance of language and culture in obtaining meaningful outcomes, especially in the context of multinational clinical trials.  We are respected by translation professionals and clinicians around the world.

First e-PRO Trial

We were a part of the first clinical trial to use electronic collection of patient reported outcomes data.   This trial was in 1994 with patients with diabetes in Argentina.  Patients used the e-PRO device during our linguistic validation.

Created the Standards for Linguistic Validation

We created the first formal standards for translation and linguistic validation of patient reported outcomes for multinational clinical trials in 1991.  David Himmelberger was a part of the ISPOR task force that created the Principles of Good Practice for Translating PROs in 2004.

Linguistic validation in Liège, Belgium

More Meaningful Outcomes

Our patient-centered focus has allowed us to identify areas where the current outcomes are not focused on the real problems that patients experience.  We have collaborated with clinicians and linguistical experts to create more meaningful outcomes measures that can be implemented globally.

Working Together with Nurses and Study Coordinators

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